The 6th Transmission64 online c64 demo party will take place on November 29th, 2025.

The 5th Transmission64 online c64 demo party took place on November 23rd, 2024, starting at 16:00 CET. Thank you all for your entries, talks, music and for watching.

Download all the entries here.

Brought to you by Padua & SLAYradio. We appreciate your support, as cheesy as it may sound, we really do.

Featuring the following compos (for the Commodore 64)

  • Demo Compo
  • 4k Compo
  • Screen fader Compo
  • BASIC Oneliner Compo
  • Music Compo
  • PETSCII Compo
  • Graphics Compo

Stay tuned for updates 🙂 And check out our blog for the latest.

Join us:

In the meantime, make sure to visit and watch

Also, visit our friends & supporters

Thanks to Sander/Focus for the superb logo. Burglar/SCS+TRC for the voting system, Cupid & Lubber for the design updates for Votox and T-101 for the slide system. Mibri for all his support with the first three editions.

A big thank you to YOU, for supporting, attending and contributing to this event for the scene.

Last update 2024-11-27