Thank you all again for your amazing support, here are the results of Transmission64, 3rd edition (2022) on December 3rd. _ (_) + : 0 x . . o : XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX . XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX . . XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX . o : XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -+____ . . XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX | _/__ _____ /\ ____ _!_____+____ /!_/\ _XXXXX____XXXX_ _____ ___XX/|X | ____/__ ___\/__\ \/ _\ _/_\ Z/ :\_/_\ _/_\ _/_\_/_\ /_\ \/ !X | X/ | X/_/ X/ \ __ \ | \__ | / | / | \__ | \__ | / | __ | __ \ |X |_ / _| __ \ \/| | X/ | _ _ | | X/ | X/ | |_ X/ | /| |X /_____\__/ //\___\|___|_____|_X__X_|___|_____|_____|___|/ |/ |___|X ----------- /___/ --------- !NE7 ------------- XXXXX XXXXX \____\ - XXXXX -- : _ o : XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX >> transmission 64 // 2022 . . (_) . XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX . : . 0 + . + o +WelcomeCompetition Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Music Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Solar Flare vincenzo/Le Thargy 76 666 8.763 2 Early Potato mutetus/Artline Designs 71 597 8.408 3 Apparition Mibri/Atlantis ^ MultiSty... 78 653 8.372 4 November Sun Apollyon/Artline Designs 76 617 8.118 5 staring at the sea The Syndrom/TIA/Pretzel L... 73 592 8.110 6 Journey to the North Star Hein/Vision 75 605 8.067 7 Caged Midnight Linus/MultiStyleLabs 73 587 8.041 8 The Perishable Vega Bloom Xiny6581/Pretzel Logic 77 590 7.662 9 urine corps randall/msl/esm 74 560 7.568 10 Debbie does Atlantis theK/Atlantis 76 557 7.329 11 Fekete Fém dalezy/Triad 77 555 7.208 12 Normal Music Spider Jerusalem/Mayday!^... 74 522 7.054 13 Press the button and play Gregfeel/Lepsi De 72 489 6.792 14 Let There Be Silence Aleksi Knutsi/MoonShine 74 502 6.784 15 Broken Signal Røly/Mayday! 74 499 6.743 16 Story In the Store DeMOSic/MS^HF^BCC^VCC^LSD 74 486 6.568 17 The Usurped Lord Leaps Waz/Padua 76 478 6.289 18 Good Night Martin Demsky/MoonShine 74 423 5.716 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PETSCII graphics Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Night Beat Lobo/Atlantis 90 797 8.856 2 King of Currumpaw Honcho/Atlantis 90 780 8.667 3 Gordian Lights Skleptoid 90 695 7.722 4 Turricano jab 90 663 7.367 5 Moai Kody/Hokuto Force 90 613 6.811 6 Ordos 4gentE/Onslaught 90 584 6.489 7 Artemis at Moon... Freeze/Blazon 89 560 6.292 8 Long Liveth Democracy TheRyk/TheRyk 90 525 5.833 9 cArPeT Twilight/Excess / Arcade 90 514 5.711 10 UFO 3MM4/-- 89 416 4.674 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic screen fader Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Fracture Icon/Triad 78 709 9.090 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASIC oneliner Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Two BarBasics LHS/padua 81 675 8.333 2 Transmission Rings Logiker/VCC 81 658 8.123 3 Twirliner Superogue/Marquee Design 81 604 7.457 4 It's A SIN Toggle/Padua 81 531 6.556 5 A Basic Groove MAT64 79 498 6.304 6 Dragon Rush back2the8bit 81 424 5.235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphics Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 LOVE FROM SWEDEN The Sarge/Bonzai/Fairlight 90 802 8.911 2 Unmasked Singer Mikael/Pretzel Logic 90 798 8.867 3 Boimyboi Sulevi/Extend, Virtual Dr... 90 770 8.556 4 Automation Facet/Genesis Project / B... 89 753 8.461 5 lxft3dznc Deev/Onslaught 90 737 8.189 6 Mask4 Katon/Lepsi De 90 732 8.133 7 Uncertainty Road Joe/Wrath Designs 90 725 8.056 8 Ascent Almighty God/Atlantis/Exc... 90 696 7.733 9 Departure Apollyon/Artline Designs 90 694 7.711 10 Theft and love Genius/Xenon 90 683 7.589 11 Castillo de murciélagos Slaxx/Excess 90 569 6.322 12 A Casual Hangout in the... Brittle/MoonShine 89 514 5.775 13 Friends Stay Friends Backspin/Con Artists 89 475 5.337 14 Dark Shadows El Topo/Triad 90 422 4.689 15 the logo pastoelio/bald bearded ba... 90 253 2.811 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4k demo Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Effects Strepto/Lethargy 82 774 9.439 2 Trinity wacek/arise 83 693 8.349 3 A Jellyfish Hein/Vision 84 652 7.762 4 Havukka Seppo Heavy 82 623 7.598 5 Whirlwind Rastertail/Onslaught 84 637 7.583 6 ballscreener Dwangi/Fairlight 83 615 7.410 7 4k Transmission Intro Twilight/Excess / Arcade 82 503 6.134 8 BCC1701E TheRyk/BCC 83 441 5.313 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demo Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Remission Triad 83 727 8.759 2 cinque padua 86 712 8.279 3 gr3y+blac8+wh1te MCM/ONSLAUGHT 83 658 7.928 4 Onscreen 5k Thundax/Xenon 84 665 7.917 5 Alien Finale Proxima 82 587 7.159 6 Duck Hunt Mahna Mahna 85 590 6.941 7 bass inference samar & w4rp8 84 558 6.643 8 Rough Xai 86 537 6.244 9 Hands Watch You Vintage Computing Carinthia 83 516 6.217 10 Raistlin 50 Genesis Project 87 525 6.034 11 Blood On The CPU LDX#40 83 497 5.988 12 YULETIDE AT BOAR macx/Boar's Head Tavern 88 453 5.148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results generated by votox 3.2.23dev
Author: anonym/padua
Registration & entry Submission now open
Registration and uploads for Transmission64 are now open at . Please note that you will have to email keys (at) to receive a key, older keys/passwords will not work. You will also need to register to be eligible to vote next week during the party. Deadline for entries in the competitions is Dec 2nd, 2022 16:00 CET (UTC+1).
As a reminder, our compos are:
- Basic one liner
- Basic screen fader
- Music
- Graphics
- 4k
- Demo
For the full rules, see our website at .
Thank you for your support and we look forward to receiving your entries and seeing you online.
Invitation released, new compo
We also added a BASIC oneliner competition to our lineup, more information can be found on our competition page.
3rd edition – Fall 2022
And it appears we’re getting serious once more and have started planning for a 3rd Transmission64 online party, in the fall of 2022. Stay tuned for more details, as they develop and please reach out to us if you have suggestions and/or ideas.
2021 Fall Edition Results
/\_ __/ / ___ ____ ___ __/\ /\_______ __/\ __/\___ ___ ___ \_ __\_/_ \_\_ \_/_ \/ /__\_/__\__ \_ \/ /__\/ /__\_ \_/ \_/_ \ / /__/ /__/ _ / / /\__ \/ / / / /\__ \/\__ \/ / / / / / ¯\___/¯\/ ¯\___/¯\/__/¯\___/¯\/¯\/__/¯\/¯\___/¯\___/¯\/¯\___/¯\/__/zS! F a l l E d i t i o n 2 0 2 1 .:::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::. :::::::: ::: ::: ::: ':::::' :::WelcomeCompetition Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Music Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Destination: Funktown vincenzo/Lethargy^Singular 83 709 8.542 2 Jammar Akhbar Shogoon/Elysium^MultiStyl... 84 714 8.500 3 Lydia on Speed Dial Mibri/Atlantis^MultiStyle... 81 670 8.272 4 Simon & Motherfunkel Linus/MultiStyle Labs 84 689 8.202 5 Tooting My Own Horn mutetus/Artline Designs 81 660 8.148 6 Constellations Jammer/MultiStyle Labs 83 676 8.145 7 Pirate's Blade II Xiny6581/The Solution 79 613 7.759 8 Augmented Arguments Steel/Genesis Project 82 620 7.561 9 Weird Biscuit Chris Wemyss/Atlantis 81 593 7.321 10 Chase On Proton/Finnish Gold 80 569 7.112 11 Epic Fail celticdesign/Genesis Project 80 565 7.062 12 Pointless Patterns Spider Jerusalem/Mayday! 80 551 6.888 13 Polonaise of Destruction Hate Bush/MultiStyle Labs 80 523 6.537 14 Signality Røly/Mayday! 81 511 6.309 15 Megaman X - Storm Eagle Nordischsound/Hokuto Force 81 454 5.605 16 Gold Is The Metal With ... LDX#40/Onslaught 79 414 5.241 17 Igelhaarfrisur Stabile Altbauten 80 326 4.075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PETSCII graphics Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Ohiru Lobo/Atlantis 97 822 8.474 2 Babes Electric/Extend 97 808 8.330 3 Atlantis Almighty God/Atlantis/Lev... 96 760 7.917 4 Porco Rosso Fabs/Hokuto Force 96 751 7.823 5 Bollocks Mikael/Pretzel Logic 97 754 7.773 6 Slimers Logiker/VCC 95 651 6.853 7 Viking Ship Slaxx/Hokuto Force 96 603 6.281 8 Dawn of Freedom Aki 95 548 5.768 9 Winter Abstraction Pararaum/The 7th Division 93 501 5.387 10 Väinämöinen π-man 93 500 5.376 11 Mikimals Vilke 97 521 5.371 12 Squidgamescii Backspin 92 423 4.598 13 One Minute Left 3MM4 91 336 3.692 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic Fader Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Fader Mastermind Artline Designs 85 716 8.424 2 BASIC Geese Fader Vintage Computing Carinthia 85 533 6.271 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphics Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Time Out The Sarge/Fairlight 96 863 8.990 2 The Passengers Mikael/Pretzel Logic 95 846 8.905 3 338:th day Joe/Wrath Designs 96 850 8.854 4 boiyeaboi Sulevi/Virtual Dreams 97 824 8.495 5 King of the Forest Duce/Extend 95 805 8.474 6 Do U Know Where You Are... Facet/Genesis Project 97 813 8.381 7 Twister Electric/Extend 94 784 8.340 8 COP26 Honcho/Atlantis 94 772 8.213 9 MASK 2 Katon/Lepsi De 95 745 7.842 10 Conscience Almighty God/Atlantis/Lev... 93 719 7.731 11 Mycoschedel Caves christwoballs/The Solution 93 701 7.538 12 Storm Eagle Slaxx/Hokuto Force 96 717 7.469 13 Voodoo Club Lobo/Atlantis 94 701 7.457 14 cat wish leon/SGR/Chorus/RSC/LTH 94 693 7.372 15 Inferno Fabs/Hokuto Force 95 697 7.337 16 In the city Soya/Censor Design 93 656 7.054 17 Racing Skeleton Lenyn/Triumwyrat/Triumwyrat 92 627 6.815 18 Every Droid Has Its Day BaseMesh/(NoGRP) 94 509 5.415 19 Winter Impression Pararaum/The 7th Division 93 480 5.161 20 Working From Home Backspin/-- 93 479 5.151 21 Pacvenom Gamora/[no group] 93 455 4.892 22 1st pic Sarge Jr 94 410 4.362 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4k Demo Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Aura 2 Dwangi/Fairlight 88 754 8.568 2 Neko 4k 4gentE 87 670 7.701 3 Classical Chicken Statler/Mahna Mahna 85 624 7.341 4 Constant Repetition Hexhog 85 532 6.259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demo Competition # Title Handle/Group Voters Sum Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Submerged Wrath Designs & Hoaxers 90 864 9.600 2 SUPER 16 Triad 89 721 8.101 3 RAGTAG MCM/ONSLAUGHT 88 677 7.693 4 Sidmachine 3003 Pretzel Logic 90 684 7.600 5 howdy hackers! cupid+dalezy+exult+igoron... 90 640 7.111 6 Synthmeld The Solution 88 598 6.795 7 Merry Christmas 2021 Lepsi De 87 574 6.598 8 Autumn Harvest Atlantis 90 581 6.456 9 The Geese are Gone Vintage Computing Carinthia 87 483 5.552 10 Last Minute All Inclusi... TheRyk/Mayday! 86 395 4.593 11 BB MD Loader Slaxx/Hokuto Force 88 403 4.580 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Results generated by votox 3.1.14rc3
2021 Fall Edition Update
I can’t believe we have updated the site, but not the blog 😉 Well, here we go, are you ready for the 2021 Fall Edition of Transmission64? We’re getting there and we’re looking forward to seeing you online tomorrow.

One day to go
In a few hours, our deadline for competition entries looms (Dec 3rd, 2021 at 4 PM / 16:00 CET). Our voting/submission system has been for some days already.
Of course, we’d prefer to be at x2021 in person in Holland instead of holding this live event, but as this is not possible at the moment, we appreciate that our friends, the x-party organizers, allowed us to use their date, their competition system and try to fill at least some of the void.

To help enhance the party feeling, – work adventure provides us with a virtual party place, where you can walk around. The wonderful map was designed by Alias Medron/Padua.

We’ve updated our timetable and have many goodies for you. Aside from our standard competitions (music, PETSCII, graphics, 4k, demo), we have a BASIC fader competition this year. We’re looking for your best effect to clear the screen. A big thanks to Krill/Plush for coming up with this idea in cooperation with us.
A c64 party wouldn’t be a party without some talks and music acts. For talks this year, we have Pontus (Bacchus/Fairlight) introducing us to coding environments for the c64 and Youtuber Graham Tinkers tells us about c64-hardware diagnostics. For music, we enlisted Ziona of SLAY Radio and h0ffman to provide c64-mixes for us.

The rest is up to you – we’re looking forward to your entries and hope to entertain and be entertained with you. Our streaming will take place on Twitch again this year.

Before I go back to preparing things again, I would like to send a special “thank you” to Aggressor/Padua, who already helped us a lot for our first edition earlier this year and has been and will be doing so again this year. Also, thanks to Unlock/Padua, who helped us with promoting the event and will help during the event. Burglar for all the work he did with us for enhancing Votox, Cupid for some help with that as well. T101 set up PartyMan as a slide system for us to use on top of Votox.
The organizers (Mibri, FRaNKy and myself, anonym).
Register & Upload now open
You can now register and upload your entries for Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition at . The deadline for competition entries is Friday, December 3rd, 16:00 CET.
Please email keys (at) with your group and handle to receive a votecode, which is needed for registration.
If you sign up for our partysystem, you can also contribute to a little partyscroller.
Transmission 64 2021 party results
Transmission64 Results File
April 24th, 2021
The following are the official results for the five compos held during the party. Votes are total sums, Partymeister style. Names of groups may be missing wherever individuals decided not to enter group names when signing up in the party system.
Thank you for watching and enjoying this small party, and making it a true event by contributing your entries! Thank you also to all attendees and those who helped us making streams come true.
Demo Compo
#01 568 Unity Atlantis & Padua
#02 468 Dutch Blue Xenon
#03 458 Party Animals Pretzel Logic
#04 431 Pandemoniac Part 1 of 5 Bjørn Røstøen
#05 379 Balls might touch Fatzone
#06 370 Is that all? Genesis Project
#07 366 Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna
#08 350 T64 Lepsi De
#09 326 Guns Freak Me Out 4gentE
#10 325 shadetro Twilight / Excess
#11 321 Momentum Yado
#12 248 Call Boar’s Head! Macx
#13 209 Free Hasel The Codeblasters
4K Intro/Demo Compo
#01 452 Outsider Dwangi / Fairlight
#02 398 4ktransmission Twilight / Excess
#03 377 ANON MCM
#04 363 daah those berliner pilsner Dentifrice
#05 275 Raccoons! In Search of Footwear Slipstream
#06 261 10 years Delysid
#07 204 Tr4nsmission Royal Belgian Beer Squadron
Graphics Compo
#01 588 Yeah Science! The Sarge
#02 574 B#tt’n C#ck Electric / Extend
#03 569 Fluorocarbon Optic/Proxima^DESiRE
#04 548 Fast ‘n’ Curious Duce / Extend
#05 546 Survivors of 2020 Carrion
#06 543 Enigma Facet of Genesis Project
#06 543 Firestarter ibux / ald^ons
#08 512 Tundra Apollyon
#09 507 Stained Glass Girl Hammerfist/Desire
#10 482 Shoulda Deev
#11 476 Signal Recieved Mikael / Pretzel Logic
#12 457 Exothermicité Aomeba
#13 455 Shocker Fabs
#14 440 Right in the sky Honcho
#15 427 Up in the clouds Soya
#16 424 chirp chirp Titus/Rabenauge
#17 385 WhaCat edi & Matteus / Exotic Men
#18 377 Cubic Bouquet fieserWolF / Abyss-Connection
#19 376 No Backlight visionvortex
#20 359 Dedication 2 Album Art The Diad / Proxima
#21 329 OMG! IT IS ALIVE! Steffan / BOOM!
#22 280 Sparwasser Twoflower/Triad
#23 260 I’ll see you again in 30 years. Ben Breton / Absence of Mind
#24 247 Belki pixelrat
#25 221 Old Meets New Backspin (BSN)
#26 203 Delivery Pissnelke / Penisbruch ELITE
#01 594 Tut Electric / Extend
#02 505 Sgt. PETSCII’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Dr. TerrorZ
#03 493 Elfric Lobo
#04 474 Treeview ND \ Pretzel Logic
#05 465 ICE CREAM! Deev
#06 454 Sadness Almighty God
#07 453 Thulsa’s Helm jab
#08 421 ED-209 Hexhog
#09 416 Let The Party Begin. Hani
#10 414 Greedy Dwarf Fabs
#11 403 Higher edi / Exotic Men
#12 386 Mr.Spock Kody
#13 385 oboy ibux / ald^ons
#14 373 Tape ! FRaNKy / Padua / RBBS / Accession
#15 370 Kowalski TheRyk/Mayday!
#16 369 Sebastian 4gentE
#17 364 Soundcat City Soundcat
#17 364 Yuri Gagarin #1 Slaxx
#19 329 Sailor’s Smoke 2021 CoaXCable/Nah-Kolor
#20 302 Zero Page, the Best Vacation in the Universe Brittle / Dentifrice
#21 290 PETSCII World Logiker
#22 284 Uncle PETSCII Agent 0x007h wbochar
#23 271 PUNK 2021 Sela / CoolPHat & CoaXCable / CoolPHat
#24 263 Rock pixelrat
#25 247 Wanderer’s Portents Pararaum / The 7th Division
#26 238 TransMeeeow! aKi
Music Compo
#01 399 Inside My Rotten Soul psych858o
#02 391 The Spark in Me Flex / Artline Designs
#03 388 Drummage Jammer/MultiStyle Labs
#04 379 Wave Without a Shore Flotsam / Soundstorm
#05 376 Only 299.99 Mutetus
#06 375 Thirteenth Jason Page / MultiStyle Labs
#07 348 Dakini Mibri / Atlantis ^ MultiStyle Labs ^ Proxima
#08 344 Inverse Mirror Fragments vincenzo /Lethargy^Singular
#09 338 End of Transmission Proton of Finnish Gold
#10 314 We Are Pretzels The Syndrom/TIA/Pretzel Logic/Crest
#11 308 Last Call Xiny6581/The Solution
#12 301 a waste of space chuinho
#12 301 Roll Right Over That Fucker Divertigo
#14 278 Sun Up RubDown No-XS & mA2E & Dya / DESiRE
#15 276 UWillRaiseAnthem Barracuda / Extend / 64Mula
#16 270 They can’t stop the signal Røly / Mayday!
#17 267 Vérszagra gyűl az éji vad dalezy/triad
#18 239 Jam’n’Flute W4rp8 / Phantasy
#19 233 Sunset Bay Nordischsound
#20 226 Mascot Hairdog/Boom!
#21 217 Something I ate manganoid
#22 184 TkTune Soundcat
#23 164 Kerstin aus Heilbronn Stabile Altbauten
Transmission well received…
Miss partyplaces? Try our virtual hall :)
We all miss attending parties in real life, and hopefully it will be time for that again. Why don’t you check out our virtual world in the meantime:
Registration is now open
Registration for the #c64 #demoparty Transmission64 is open NOW. You will need an access key, which you can get by emailing keys (at) transmission64 .com with your nick and group name. Then register for #t64 at #demoscene
You need to be registered to submit entries & to vote.